Most Dog Owners Do Not See These 7 Diseases Coming

The fact that dogs are man’s best friend stands correct by all means because dogs can have a great effect on positivity in our lives. As pets, dogs have a lot of influence on the owners’ mental and emotional wellbeing. They are said to improve rational and logical development in children. More so, they also help in leading a healthy lifestyle and cope up with anxiety. They provide a lifetime of companionship like no one else.

However, as dog parents, one needs to understand the importance of their physical health throughout their lifespan. A responsible dog parent needs to fathom symptoms of illnesses that could result in fatality. Many times it is noticed that as a result of careless attitudes, dog owners end up feeding foods toxic to dogs. There are specific food items that your dog should never consume and you should have adequate knowledge about the same. This is a very unhealthy practice for the pawed ones because their lives are at stake. Here are 7 diseases that most dog owners do not see coming:


Diabetes in dogs is one of the most common diseases which stand a chance to take their lives away. It is often a result of lesser insulin content in their blood or poor response to insulin. Just like humans, the digestive system of dogs breaks the food into smaller glucose particles. The hormone insulin is then carried these glucose particles to different cells for the proper functioning of the body. However, if a dog is incapable of utilizing the insulin made, the blood glucose level increases, resulting in unfortunate health problems such as hyperglycemia.


Heartworms are a kind of parasite that literally lives in the heart of our pawed buddies. These parasites make a home out of the dog’s pulmonary arteries. These parasites use the bloodstream of the dog to reach different vital organs, the most common one being the heart. These worms live up to five years and finally result in the death of the dog.


Parvovirus is a highly common canine disease yet most pet owners do not see it coming. Almost every case of the parvovirus-infected disease turns out to be fatal. Dogs can contaminate with parvovirus when they eat or come in touch with toxic material such as waste products or leftover food. Parvovirus does not have any effect on humans, but dogs are highly susceptible to it.

Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is nothing other than bronchitis in humans. It is a respiratory infection that causes cough and cold in dogs. Kennel cough can be due to both bacteria and viruses. Kennel’s cough also causes the dog’s voice box and windpipe to swell up. Dogs often get kennel coughs after exposure to cold weather. Many people wrongly think that dogs cannot get coughs and colds, but a responsible pet owner should not believe in such baseless information.


Another deadly pathogen that often infects the dog’s skin is ringworm. Contradictory to its name, ringworms are not any sort of worm but a kind of fungus. It causes infections in the dog’s fur, nails, and skin. It is also extremely contagious, meaning; your dog can get it from another dog that already has ringworm infestation. It causes patchy areas on the dog’s skin, loss of fur and the worst part is, your dog can even infect humans with ringworms.


Rabies is yet another common disease in dogs. It is a virus that directly affects the spinal cord and brain of dogs. Rabies not only affects dogs, but all sorts of mammals like cats, cows, buffalos, rabbits, goats, monkeys, and even humans. Rabies is a disease that is often treated as taboo. But fearing the disease will not cure it, hence vaccinating your dog for rabies is a bare necessity.


Just like humans, dogs too can contract cancer. Cancerous cells develop in different places and cause dogs to have painful deaths. Most dogs succumb to cancer, but it is curable. Regular check-ups and visits to the vet can help detect any such possibilities. Veterinary oncologists always say that dogs can easily develop cancerous cells after reaching a certain age. Hence, if you have a dog who is over 5 years of age, regular visits to the doctor’s chamber must be practiced.

By taking your dog for regular veterinary check-ups, you will not only look out for his physical wellbeing but also keep yourself satisfied about the fact that your pawed buddy is healthy and happy.