Why You Shouldn’t Give Human Glucosamine To Your Dog

In case you’re a human who has joint inflammation, you might see that the fundamental fixing in your joint enhancement is glucosamine. Furthermore, in case you have a dog with joint inflammation, you may have seen that the primary fixing in their joint enhancement is, likewise, glucosamine. So this makes one wonder – what’s the distinction?

The short answer is that while the fundamental element of glucosamine might be something very similar in general human and canine joint enhancements, there are significant contrasts between the remainder of the fixings, just as the edibility, measurements, and organization.

Glucosamine for Dogs

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The glucosamine for dogs has a comparative definition as the glucosamine for people.

There are also two sorts of glucosamine accessible for dogs: glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine HCL. Nonetheless, the utilization of glucosamine for dogs hasn’t been controlled at this point. The enhancement is as yet utilized under veterinary reconnaissance and has demonstrated impacts.

The utilization of glucosamine in dogs is likewise utilized for joint issues and will have a similar impact as in people: that of diminishing joint enlarging and ease the aggravation. Similarly, as in people, the glucosamine treatment can’t treat joint inflammation, yet it will help deal with the condition and cause the dog to feel great.

The dose for the dogs will vary; the dog’s weight ought to be thought of. A dog that has 70 pounds might get somewhere in the range of 1000 and 1500 mg of glucosamine each day. However, a more modest dog will require a diminished portion.

Difference Between Human And Dog Glucosamine

With regards to the dynamic fixings, glucosamine and chondroitin for dogs and human joint enhancements, these will more often than not vary in quality or even amount of fixings found in pet enhancements.

The strategy for directing these joint enhancements among people and dogs will be unique—glucosamine and chondroitin joint enhancements for people will be in pill structure, though joint enhancements for dogs will be in a fluid form or a powder structure.

There are contrasts between the stomach-related framework in people and in creatures. Dogs have a lot more limited intestinal system and framework than we do—so no, it isn’t really savvy to give your dogs human glucosamine and chondroitin.

Our intestinal systems break up the enhancements intended for our frameworks, though dogs’ intestinal systems disintegrate the enhancements planned explicitly for their stomach related frameworks.

Joint enhancements for dogs are frequently in fluid, bite, or powder design. One reason we utilize a powder design is on the grounds that our items contain 100% dynamic fixings. Different organizations require stabilizers, restricting specialists, and other latent fixings which are superfluous and can cause ailment in your dogs or are just being utilized as filler fixings.

We host done third gathering autonomous testing with perhaps a couple providers and have found that regularly the thing is being sold as chondroitin contains very little or no chondroitin by any means. Contingent upon what test is being utilized, it is conceivable that it looks like the substance construction of chondroitin. However, indeed, it doesn’t really contain chondroitin.


Most human joint enhancements comprise of a pill you swallow, while dog supplements regularly come as a chewable tablet, delicate bite, or fluid. This is no mishap. Dogs have a more limited stomach-related framework than we do, so the enhancement should be separated quicker before it leaves their body. Chewable tablets, delicate bites, and fluids all separate rapidly, permitting your puppy to promptly ingest the supplements and receive the rewards. If you somehow happened to give a dog a human joint pill to swallow, odds are it would go through their framework before it very well may be consumed.


Glucosamine is a characteristic ligament building block that, like people and dogs’ age, is exhausted by the body a lot quicker than it tends to be delivered.

Both human and canine joint enhancements contain glucosamine assists with renewing these draining levels to give alleviation from joint pain a throbbing painfulness.

While you could, in fact, give human glucosamine securely to your dog, it’s the remainder of the fixings in human joint enhancements that need thought. For instance, human enhancements can contain xylitol (a sugar that is innocuous to people but lethal to dogs) or chocolate, which each great pet parent knows is a no-no.

The best way to be certain a joint enhancement doesn’t contain any fixings that might hurt your puppy is to give them one explicitly made for canines.


With human joint enhancements, it very well may be hard to realize precisely the amount to provide for your dog. Quality canine enhancements, nonetheless, incorporate obvious directions for the amount to give your dog each day, dependent on their weight.

Furthermore, first-class canine enhancements are strengthened with different minerals that guide in alleviation from joint agony for your little guy that wouldn’t really be available in human enhancements. For instance, TopDog’s GlycanAid contains ascorbic corrosive, which is fundamental for the ingestion of glucosamine in your dog’s body, consequently increasing the viability of different fixings.

So the writing is on the wall – assuming you need to guarantee that your little guy gets ideal alleviation from their joint aggravation that is both protected and powerful, make certain to give them a joint enhancement explicitly made for canines.

Is It Safe to Give Human Glycosamine to Dogs?

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Given the way that the human glucosamine and the dog glucosamine have a similar definition, the human glucosamine can be securely utilized in canines.

Notwithstanding, it is exceptionally essential to have the right dose for your pet and never go over the suggested portion. The portion for a bigger dog breed might harmonize with the portion suggested for a human patient. However, more modest dogs need less glucosamine. An abundance of glucosamine can prompt bone development anomalies and, surprisingly, internal harm. The organization of glucosamine enhancements may likewise influence the liver and kidneys of the pet over the long haul.

Regardless, assuming you have the decision, it’s smarter to get glucosamine for veterinary use, as specific glucosamine for people use has different salts that are remembered for the medication, and these may disturb the dog. Make certain to talk it over with your vet first, as one of a kind variables for each dog might be considered.

Last update on 2025-02-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API