Dogs eat various food that humans eat too! Dog breeds of different kinds of love to eat the different types of food you are having. However, this shouldn’t be the case for every meal you have in your pantry or is currently chewing. But as a responsible pet owner, you would know by now that pets your pup cannot eat everything you eat!
The digestive system of a dog is way different from how it is with humans. Therefore, you would need to know which ones will give them health benefits and endanger their lives. Of course, you would want something safe for dogs but are fruits and vegetables great for them just as much as these are in humans?
One of the foods that your dog always gazes to when you’re eating it is cantaloupe. Read along to know more about what the cantaloupe is, if it is safe for dogs, and if it’s included in the list of fruits dogs can eat.
Facts You Should Know About the Cantaloupe
Overall appearance and taste
Cantaloupe is a kind of melon that is obviously round, and its skin color ranges from yellow to green, and it has a sweet orange flesh inside of it. Melons, generally, means that the fruit is large and has a thick skin. The average size of a cantaloupe, however, differs from one variety from the other. When speaking about the cantaloupe’s taste, when it’s perfectly ripe, the flesh should taste juicy and sweet. The cantaloupe has a signature trademark floral aroma that can leave you and your dog drooling for days!
Cantaloupe Season
If you’re looking forward to purchasing a good cantaloupe, then you shouldn’t do it in January! You should wait until June until August if it’s freshly picked in America. However, the cantaloupes that are available in all seasons are mostly imported from overseas, such as South America. Still, by the time the products reach the stores, it won’t be considered as fresh as it was initially.
Vitamins and Minerals Included
Aside from being the most popular type of melon in the US, the cantaloupe is just like any other nutritious fruit there is out there. It’s a good source of dietary fibers and vitamins A and C plus other minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. There are only 100 calories in one slice of the cantaloupe. You might check our list of top-rated dry food for Pitbulls.
Is Cantaloupe Good For Dogs?
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a highly distinguished organization that’s originally built for the safety and health information of dogs worldwide, cantaloupe is actually good for dogs! However, they have warned dog owners should give their pups a cantaloupe in moderation, for it can pose several health threats when ingested in many amounts.
If you’re wondering why this type of fruit is good for dogs, it’s what’s inside the cantaloupes! The vitamins and minerals that cantaloupes contain are what make the fruit great for dogs. Your dogs can benefit so much from a single slice of cantaloupe because it’s an excellent source of fiber, vitamins B6, A and C, as well as minerals like potassium, folate, and niacin. At the same time, it’s also low in calories with only 100 calories per one slice, and it has extremely high water content. Not only that, this fruit is great for your dog, but it’s also an excellent way of rehydrating your dogs without them gaining a few more pounds. Cantaloupes are also known to contain antioxidants that prevent free radicals from spreading all over your dog’s system and could prevent him from getting sick and having cancer in the future.
It would be best if you didn’t doubt anymore whether it is safe for dogs or not. Go ahead and give your dog a hydrating treat!
What are the Health Benefits of Feeding Cantaloupe to My Dogs
There are two main reasons dog owners feed their dog’s food to satisfy their everyday calorie, vitamins, and minerals needs. And two, to make their dogs feel like they are rewarded for good performance or attitude. What better way to feed your dog a healthy treat and make them feel like their efforts are recognized than feeding him cantaloupe?
Again, it’s important to remember that cantaloupe is a fruit that can give a lot of health benefits to your dog. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should give your dog large amounts of cantaloupes, for it can be a possible health risk for your dog, as well. When given in the right amounts, your dog will be the healthiest as they could be!
With just one slice or two of a cantaloupe, and not the whole fruit itself, your dog can get the following essential vitamins and minerals:
- Loaded with dietary fiber – Dietary fiber is important, especially if your dog is on the overweight to obese side. As a dog owner, you would want to watch over your dog’s weight. However, you also know that you cannot deprive him of food and ask him to exercise an hour a day like a human trying to lose weight. That’s why you can load him up with fruits containing lots of dietary fiber so they would feel full, yet it won’t add too much weight to them.
- Vitamin A – This type of vitamin is listed to be as 7 of the crucial vitamins your dog needs to have for a healthy lifestyle, according to the AKC. It does the same magic as it is in humans; it helps your dog see clearly and have a functioning immune system and proper cellular function. Vitamin A is also an essential component of your dog’s growth.
- Vitamin B6 – This is probably the most crucial vitamin for your dog as it is responsible for their organs’ functioning. It controls the generation of glucose, regulation of hormones, the immune system’s response, activation of the gene, synthesis of niacin, and proper functioning of the blood cell and nervous system.
- Vitamin C – This vitamin, which is also found in cantaloupes, is an antioxidant. Basically, the job of an antioxidant is they would have to remove the harmful free radicals that are present in the body of your dog. When your dog is infected or sick, this specific vitamin can help reduce inflammation and cognitive aging.
- Cantaloupes are rich in B-vitamins. It also contains this specific B-vitamin – Niacin helps keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy by being involved in the synthesis of fatty acids, which can damage your dog’s fur. It’s also needed primarily to break down the sugars and fats from foods your dog ingests and helps convert it into energy, which your dog can utilize for his daily activities.
- This mineral that’s also included in the cantaloupe helps the growth and strength functioning of your dog’s muscles. The potassium in his system is needed for contracting and relaxing his muscles, which can also improve your dog’s locomotive skills. It also helps boost your dog’s metabolism and neural function. Aside from that, it promotes bone health and maintains organ function.
How Many Cantaloupes Can My Dog Eat?
The serving size of the cantaloupe differs from one dog breed to another. There is no standard measure when it comes to how much cantaloupe you can serve to your dog. If you’re unsure, the best way to know how much would be by consulting your veterinarian. If, however, that you can’t drop by and ask your vet, then you can estimate the percentage of the portion you’re going to give to your dog. This is applicable for both large and small dogs, as this method considers their size.
If your dog eats a full 50% of fiber per day, then serve at most 5% of that as cantaloupes. Again, this is not a fixed set-up but setting the percentage of your dog’s meal is probably the most effective way for you to gauge how much you’re going to serve. Also, it’s important not to overfeed your dog with cantaloupe!
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Can I Give My Dog Cantaloupe Rinds?
We perfectly understand that sometimes, it gets a little bit tricky and time-consuming to get rid of all the rinds and seeds of the cantaloupe before serving it to your dog. However, if you’re going to give your dog a full slice of the fruit, then you’re not only giving him the flesh itself but also the rinds and seeds if you haven’t taken these out.
For cantaloupe rinds, it’s best if you should take them out first before serving the fruit. Although it’s not toxic to them and you shouldn’t worry if they have ingested it accidentally, the rind can be tough and waxy, making it hard to chew. This is the case, especially if you have a small dog. Since it’s hard, sturdy, and has the tendency not well to be chewed enough for your dog’s digestive system to be easily broken down into pieces, the rinds of the cantaloupe can pose as a gastrointestinal risk for your dog.
Going back to the question, the answer is yes, your dog CAN eat cantaloupe rinds, but it’s advisable not to give it to them to avoid problems such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Recipe For Dog-Friendly Cantaloupe Meal
If it’s the first time you’re going to give your dog a cantaloupe, chances are he might not like it. But fear not, because there’s also a significant chance that he might like it! It’s all in the matter of conditioning your dog to like the food. You can also put in some effort by preparing your dog’s meal yourself instead of just giving him a slice of the cantaloupe.
Here’s a short and quick recipe guide on how you can make cantaloupe appetizing for your dog:
Get 1 cup of water, chicken and vegetable broth or any other liquid broths available. Place all of the ingredients inside a blender and add a handful of ice cubes. Blend the ice cubes and broth mixture at high speed and wait until the ingredients and the ice are fully crushed and blended together. You have to check the smoothie’s texture every once in a while so your dog can easily eat the cantaloupe, then serve your pup the cantaloupe slushy you made for them.
Cantaloupe smoothies or even the fruit alone can serve as a refreshing and hydrating treat for your dog because of its high-water content.
If you’re still unsure how to serve a cantaloupe fruit to your dog for the first time, you can start by giving him small amounts and observing his reaction. During the first time in feeding him a new kind of food, you should always be on the lookout on how he would respond as it could dictate an allergic reaction of some sort. In this way, you are able to control how much your dog is having.
Overall, it has been established that you can feed a cantaloupe fruit to your dog but only give it to him in moderation. Your dog can get many health benefits even from eating just one slice of the fruit. You can either incorporate the cantaloupe to his daily meal (of course, with the proper consultation with your vet) or give it to him occasionally as a treat for him to feast with.
Either way, we cannot deny how eating cantaloupe will benefit him in his growth and overall body system functioning. At the end of the day, it’s all about making your dog happy and we do believe that by feeding him the most nutritious and appetizing foods that he loves, he would be the happiest dog as he could be.