Can Dogs Eat Peaches: Is It a Perfect Substitute for a Dog Snack?

A lot of people love to eat peaches! We’re sure that you’re one of those who is such avid fan of this fruit. Although there are a lot of other fruits and vegetables out there, there’s still the sweet tooth in you who would just want some great taste of peaches! Not to blame you or anything but it is, indeed, one of the most widely known juicy summer fruits.

We get it. You love it so much that you would want to share it with your dog, but the question is — can dogs eat peaches? Is it safe for them? Are peaches bad for dogs? Can they eat canned peaches? We answer all of your peaches and dog-related questions!

What are Peaches?

Juicy Peaches

Peaches, also known as Prunus persica, originally came from a native tree in China. These came from one of the rare trees which bear fruits. It comes from the rose family or Rosaceae. Peaches usually grow in areas that have a higher temperature than the others. Humans usually enjoy eating peaches as a part of their diet and after a meal for a dessert.

This fruit is also commonly used in making pies, cobblers and other frozen desserts. Peach pits are widely enjoyed as a juicy summer fruit and are incorporated in a lot of artificial sweeteners.

Some peaches are even readily available in canned goods. These are usually available in regions wherein the growth of peaches isn’t available all year round.

The fruit originally originated in China and eventually made its way to Europe and Asia. However, it was the Spanish who made the fruit known to the world.

  • The appearance of peaches – Peaches are usually small to medium in size. The trees they grow in are medium in height which can only reach about 6.5 meters or about 21 feet. Peaches typically have a light pink or salmon pink color. However, thanks to modern-world technologies, peaches are now available in different variations. Some of the commonly known variations are the yellow-fleshed variety of peaches like Elberta, Redhaven, and Halford. Other have both yellow and white flesh. These variants are more popular in Europe.
  • The taste of peaches – Peaches are aromatic in nature. But what do they taste like? Since these are available in different variations, it also has a different flavor that enables someone to distinguish one variant from the other.
  • Yellow peaches – these are more acidic than the other variants. You can taste a certain tartness that eventually goes away as the peach softens and ripens.
  • White peaches – these have lower acidity than yellow peaches. Because of this, the taste of the white peach type is sweeter than the usual even if they’re still not that ripe.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

Imagine this scenario: you’re enjoying your favorite fruit – peaches. You see your dog coming along your way. He managed to pick up the smell of this fruit! You would want to share it with him, but you are hesitant. As much as you’d like to give your dog fruit peaches, you’re not sure if it’s good for them.

At times like this, what would you do? First off, you are such a good owner for thinking about what will be the best for your dog. Secondly, nope you are not selfish. Of course, all dog owners will only want the best for their pooch. And this is precisely what you’re doing. So the primary question is: can dogs eat peaches?

The good news is that yes! Dogs can eat peaches. It also means that next time you munch on this fruit, you can finally share it with them. Puppies enjoy a refreshing treat like peaches, too, especially on a hot summer’s day. But you should be able to monitor your pooch’s fruit consumption? Must read our review on top brand dog food for pitbull.

As you’d know, dogs are carnivorous in nature. What does this mean? It simply means that their digestive systems are built to breakdown proteins like meat and poultry. Unfortunately, peach is a fruit that has low-protein content. From that, we can say that peaches aren’t good for dogs ALL the time. This is because their bodies aren’t fit to digest the contents of peaches.

However, giving it as an occasional treat or reward will do! If you’re giving this treat to your dog for the first time, it’s advisable that you should keep an eye on him. Since his system is going to digest it for the first time, he could develop some reactions into it. Again, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

But not all contents of the peach are something that your pup’s body cannot take in! Peaches contain a lot of vitamins and minerals too which can be beneficial to your fido. Peaches are rich in vitamin A and fiber. These two nutrients are essential for the growth of your dog, too! You can give peaches to your dog but only in moderate amounts.

Are Peaches Harmful to Dogs?

So, now we know that dogs are allowed to eat peaches. But the next question is, is it good for them? Or are peaches harmful to pups?

Peaches will only be considered harmful or bad for dogs if it’s given in high amounts. It’s important to take note that peaches should just be given as an occasional treat. It’s not something that you should incorporate to his daily meals, three times a day. Peaches are beneficial to your pooch up to the point that you decide to overfeed them with it.

This fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates and has high sugar content. When you overfeed your dog with this fruit, it can lead him to have certain diseases or even be lethal!

The answer to the question is yes; peaches are harmful to dogs only if you give them too much!

The next question will probably be: how much peaches is too much? There are no recommended levels. But it’s advisable always to keep an eye on your dog when giving a new treat or something that has high sugar levels like peaches. A large dog could tolerate about two peaches per day, but a small dog can only eat half of it. So in terms of the standard serving size or amount, there’s really no specific value.

You, of all people, know your dog the best. It’s such a huge responsibility to be a parent to your pet, but it’s just as rewarding as it could get. If you are still hesitant and would want to know the specific amount of peaches you can give to your dog, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian.

What are the Contents of Peaches?

In terms of nutritional value, peaches contain carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. When broken down into percentages, carbs make up almost all of the contents of a peach. It has about 87% of carbohydrates, 8% of proteins, and only 5% of fats. Although peaches have a high carbohydrate content, it only contains a low amount of calories.

Since dogs are carnivorous, foods with a high amount of carbohydrates like peaches shouldn’t be given to them in excess.

Peaches also contain vitamins and minerals which can usually be found in common fruits and vegetables. These nutritional needs are also essential to your pup’s growth meaning that a serving or two of peaches will also be useful for your dog.

Some of the vitamins and minerals your pooch can get from peaches are the following, and how it is essential for their daily needs.

  • Vitamin C – This is the vitamin that can be found in high amounts in peaches. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant which cleanses out the free radicals on your canine’s body system. It means that it flushes away the toxins and all other harmful chemicals inside your pup’s body.

It is also one of the vitamins which prevent your dog from getting numerous diseases and illnesses. It can help prevent your Fido from getting cancer, kennel cough, digestive problems, respiratory infections, and other bacterial infections. Vitamin C also helps your puppy’s body to produce collagen. Collagen is needed for stronger bond function. Vitamin A can help not only stimulate the production of collagen but can also slow down and reverse bone-related diseases in dogs such as hip dysplasia, spinal disorders, and degenerative joint disease.

  • Vitamin A – This vitamin helps boost the overall appearance of your dog. It can help your canine get better vision and healthier stature. Vitamin A helps nourish your dog’s coat and skin. If you notice that your dog almost always scratches their coats, then it’s probably because of a skin infection. Being deficient in vitamin A can also trigger the onset of such skin conditions.

Aside from that, it can also boost their growth. Dogs always have their own maximum growth state. If you think that your dog hasn’t reached their optimal growth yet, then it’s best to vamp up their Vitamin A intake. It can also decrease the chances of your canine from being night-blind. At the same time, it can increase the chances of your dog to breed since this vitamin is also needed in the normal function of your pup’s reproductive system.

  • Vitamin B3 – This vitamin is also known as niacin. Niacin can boost your dog’s metabolism and digestive functions by helping their system to break down the fatty acids they intake. This is also an essential vitamin when it comes to converting fats and carbohydrates into sources of energy. If the fats and carbohydrate levels are accumulated in your pup’s system, then there is a considerable chance that they might be overweight and usually tired instead of being energetic, as they should be.

Niacin also helps your Fido’s way of thinking or cognitive function. It widens his mental capacity and is highly suggested for dogs who are undergoing training. Vitamin B3 is critical in regulating hormonal secretions in dogs. This vitamin helps your pup cope with stress and milk production. At the same time, it controls the creation of the needed chemicals to break down the foods required for your dog’s day-to-day function.

  • Potassium – This is one of the most necessary vitamins in your dog’s system. Low levels of potassium can lead to different diseases such as chronic kidney disease. It is because this mineral is used to regulate and control the function of your pooch’s organs such as kidneys, heart, and liver. Hence, low levels of potassium may affect these organs directly.

Your canine’s muscles and bones utilize this mineral, too. It helps to promote muscle growth by stimulating the rapid growth of muscle cells. On the other hand, potassium works alongside calcium to improve bone health and the integration of the muscle and bone function.

This vitamin also helps your dog in his metabolism! It’s one of the active vitamins which boosts their system to digest food faster and absorb nutrients as soon as possible. But overall, potassium is needed to increase the mental ability of your dog. It directly stimulates the nerves of your pup, and this can lead to better understanding and fast thinking of dogs.

Can My Dog Eat Canned Peaches?

When it comes to peaches, there are two different variants: the fresh peach fruits, and the canned peaches variety. Humans enjoy eating canned peaches, but can dogs eat these canned treats too? The answer is No

Although fresh peaches can pass as a treat for your pup, it’s not a good idea to feed them canned peaches. These peaches are filled with many preservatives which can be lethal and dangerous to your dog’s health. Canned peaches were specially formulated for human consumption and for it to have a longer shelf-life than fresh peaches. Canned peaches do not only contain preservatives, but they might not even come from fresh peach fruits at all. Most likely, these canned fruits are filled with artificial sweeteners that will make them taste as sweet as the fresh fruit.

With that, it’s important to note that high sugar content and artificial sweeteners and dogs don’t mix very well. Having them eat canned peaches can lead to possible digestive problems.

How to Serve Peaches for Dogs

Now that it has been established that you can give your dog peaches as treats and not as a substitute for a meal, the next thing that you should know is how to serve it your canine properly.

There is only one proper way you can serve your dog peaches. It’s only through cutting the fruit into small pieces. The smaller it is, the more your dog can eat it. It’s also important to know that dogs cannot eat the peach pit part of the fruit. Peach pits cannot only cause blockage in your pup’s intestine, but it can also be poisonous to them, as well. Never serve peach pits to your pooch.

When it comes to the right serving size, you can serve your pup peaches only in small amounts. Peaches and nectarines are almost the same in terms of sugar levels. Both fruits, alongside with plums and pears, can be dangerous to dogs when given in large amounts.

If you’re still hesitant on how much peaches you are allowed to give to your dog, then it’s best to consult it first with your veterinarian.

If it’s also your first time to feed your pup peaches, it’s best that you should gauge on how they would react. This means that you shouldn’t just leave the sliced fruit and expect your puppies to eat them all. You should still be wary of how they will react with it. As soon as you see some warning signs of any skin irritation, then it’s probably best to have your pet checked and stop feeding him the peaches at least until your dog is cleared for any allergies.


Different dog breeds react to various kinds of food. But when we look at it generally, peaches can be served to dogs, but it’s not supposed to be a substitute for their regular dog food meal. In fact, this fruit can only be given to your Fido as a snack or as a reward.

Even giving him a lot of it occasionally isn’t acceptable since peaches have high sugar contents which can be dangerous for your dog’s health. The same goes with plum, nectarines, and pears which are almost the same with peaches.

If you are going to serve your dog peaches, it’s important not to give them canned peaches for it has a lot of artificial sweeteners and you have to remove the peach pits. It’s completely okay to give this fruit to your dog but only in moderation! Enjoy this sweet juicy summer fruit, and make the best out of it with your pup.

Now, you don’t have to resist your pup’s super cute puppy dog eyes the next time you’re feasting on peaches.